A notice in writing stating the time, place and objects of an Executive Committee Meeting shall be circulated to Committee Members not less than seven clear days before such meeting is held.
- The committee shall meet at least once in every month and at such time as they may deem advisable and may make such regulations as they think proper as to the summoning and holding of the meeting of the committee. (Nine members of the Committee present shall form a quorum for the transaction of business.)
- An Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held not later than the end of January each year upon a date and at a time to be fixed by the Executive Committee for the following purposes:-
- To read and confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting.
- To receive and, if approved pass the accounts for the preceding year.
- To elect fifteen ( 15 ) members to the Executive Committee once in every two years, namely:-
- President
- Vice President
- Hon. Secretary
- Hon. Assistant Secretary
- Hon. Treasurer
- Hon. Assistant Treasurer
- Liaison Officer
- Eight Other Members
- To appoint a Hon. Auditor
- To transact any other business of which one week’s prior notice in writing shall have been given to the Hon. Secretary.
- At Annual General Meetings one-third of the total membership of the Association shall form a quorum.
- If within fifteen minutes from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present the meeting, if convened upon the requisition of members shall be dissolved in any other case, it shall stand adjourned to such day in the next week and at such time and place as the Committee may appoint.
- At any adjourned meeting the members present, whatever their number, shall form a quorum and shall have the power to decide upon all matters which could have been transacted at the meeting from which the adjournment took place if a quorum had been present.
- They shall have no power to alter the standing rules and regulations and to make decisions affecting the whole membership of the Association.
- Each member shall have one vote. No member not personally present shall be entitled to vote unless such member is represented by a proxy duly authorized.
- The instrument appointing a proxy must be in writing and shall be deposited with the Hon. Secretary not less than two hours before the time for holding the meeting.
- No member who has failed to pay his subscription for over three months shall be allowed to vote on any question at any meeting whatsoever of the Association nor shall be allowed to be elected to the Committee.
- A person who holds procuration of any person firm or company, a member of the Association, and who to all intents and purposes represents such person, firm, or company shall be permitted to vote in the name of such person, firm, or company in the event of the absence of such person or of the partners of such firm or of the directors of such company provided the Association is informed forty – eight hours before the meeting and his name registered in a book kept for the purpose in the Association. (Associate Members shall not be eligible to vote or be elected to hold office. For the purposes of the transaction of business at any meeting, they shall not be counted so as to constitute a quorum.)
- Any member not personally present at any General Meeting shall be eligible to be elected to hold office provided that the absentee member shall have expressed prior consent in writing accepting the office in the event of his being elected.
- The Association assembled in Special General Meeting convened for the purposes shall have the power of erasing any member from its roll of membership provided fourteen days’ notice of Special General Meeting shall have been given to all members and further provided that such motion of expulsion shall be agreed to by the majority of two-thirds of the members present. Such members so expelled shall forfeit their rights, privileges and interests in the Association and shall have no claim whatsoever against the Association for the refund of their entrance fees or any donation paid by them.
- Extraordinary General Meetings shall be called on the application of not less than four members provided that notice in writing shall be given to the Hon. Secretary setting forth the business that is to be transacted.
- The committee may at any time call an Extraordinary General Meeting.
- A notice in writing stating the time place and objects of a General Meeting and/or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be circulated to members not less than seven clear days before such meeting is to be held.
- No existing rules shall be repealed or altered nor shall any new rule be adopted without the consent of two-thirds of the members voting at an Annual or Extraordinary Meeting of which not less than seven days ‘ notice by circular shall have been given by the Hon. Secretary of such proposed repeal, alteration or adoption. Any alteration additions or deletions to the rules shall only take effect after approval by the Pendaftar Pertubuhan Malaysia.
- In the interpretation of these rules, the Committee’s decision shall be final , unless countermanded by members in General Meeting.